Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023)
Full Issue
Research Article
A reading on imitation in contemporary architecture in the duality of copy and mimesis
Abstract views: 175 /
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Paradigm shift in the music industry: Adaptation of blockchain technology and its transformative effects
Abstract views: 332 /
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The journey of Andromache as a female hero and her description in painting
Abstract views: 130 /
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An evaluation on the art of engraving and its contribution to art education
Abstract views: 149 /
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A well established and long standing ecole in scenography education at the academy of fine arts; “Atelier of Theatre Decoration and Costume”
Abstract views: 178 /
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Concentration in the distribution and exhibition networks within Turkish film industry: The case of CGV Mars Entertainment Group
Abstract views: 141 /
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Digital Fashion: The transformation and cultural revolution in the interaction of identity, body and attire in the age of Industry 4.0
Abstract views: 255 /
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The contribution of new generatıon drawing technologies to the field of design: Example of Procreate
Abstract views: 211 /
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Conservation and restoration techniques applied to historical ceramic artifacts
Abstract views: 286 /
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Digital graphic wars: A study of reddit r/Place event in the context of visual design and communication
Abstract views: 586 /
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