An evaluation on the art of engraving and its contribution to art education

Engraving, Intaglio Printing, Relief Printing, Art, Art EducationAbstract
Art is a means of communication between societies from past to present, which has existed for ages and will exist in the future. Artists produce art in the light of the conditions and needs they experience in order to express their feelings and thoughts. Therefore, their views and pursuits towards art, beauty and aesthetics have also differed from each other within their life cycles. Due to their individual talents and interests, artists have chosen different techniques and materials in their production processes. As an effective means of artistic expression that includes different applications and techniques, engraving, the art of engraved painting (intaglio, relief printing), and the contributions of engraving to art education have been determined as the research subject of this article. When evaluated with all its differences, engraving is an independent visual plastic art although it stands close to painting and graphic arts. Engraving has taken place in the life and art adventure of many master artists known in the history of art. An Egyptian seal dating back to 1550 BC is an indication of how the art of engraving (relief printing) has existed in human history as a necessity that emerged in the life cycle of society.
The art of engraving, which has an important place and value in art education as well as in the history of art, contributes greatly to the students’ self-improvement with the practitioners of this art, their applications, their original print works (intaglio, relief printing) and engraving lessons. In art education, engraving lessons support the formation of the foundations of the art of painting in students by enabling experiments with different applications as well as analysis and composition on elements such as point, line, stain, light-dark, light-shadow, color, space, perspective.
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Görsel Kaynaklar
Resim 1: Mısır 18.Hanedanlığına ait mühür
Resim 2: Doğru İnsanın Cançekişmesi, 1470 Ulm’da resimlenen İyi Ölme sanatı, tahta baskı kitap. Kaynak: Gombrich, E.H.(1986) Sanatın Öyküsü. Çeviren: B. Cömert, İstanbul: Remzi kitabevi, 213
Resim 3: Albrecht Dürer, Cennetten Kovulma, Ağaç baskı, 1510. Kaynak: Grabowski, B & Fick, B (1999) Baskı Resim Çevirenler: S. Eskier & A. Tunç, İzmir: Karakalem Kitabevi Yayınları, 75
Resim 4: Utamaro- “ Japonya’nın Red Light’ı” (Japon tahta baskı). Kaynak:
Resim 5: “Çığlık”, Edward Munch, 1885. Kaynak: Richard, Lionel, çev: Beral Madra-Sinem Gürsoy-İlhan Usmanbaş, Ekspresyonizm Ansiklopedisi, Remzi Kitabevi, 1984
Resim 6: Erich Heckel, Kendi Portresi, 1917. Kaynak: Richard, L. (1984), Çevirenler: Beral Madra-Sinem Gürsoy-İlhan Usmanbaş, Ekspresyonizm Ansiklopedisi, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 58
Resim 7: Shongauer, İsa’nın Doğuşu, Oyma Resim, Bakır üzerine soğuk kazı, 1475 dolayları. Kaynak: Gombrich, E. H.(1986) Sanatın Öyküsü. Çeviren: B. Cömert, İstanbul: Remzi kitabevi, 214
Resim 8: Dürer, Adem ve Havva, 1504, Bakır oyma resim. Kaynak: Gombrich, E. H. (1986) Sanatın Öyküsü. Çeviren: B. Cömert, İstanbul: Remzi kitabevi, 267
Resim 9: Rembrandt “İsa’nın Dinsel Öğüdü” Asit oyma, 1652 dolayları. Kaynak: Gombrich, E. H. (1986) Sanatın Öyküsü. Çeviren: B. Cömert, İstanbul: Remzi kitabevi, 335
Resim 10: Francisco de Goya “Aklın uykusu canavarlar yaratır” Aquatint. Kaynak: Grabowski, B & Fick, B (1999) Baskı Resim Çevirenler: S. Atay Eskier & A. Ziya Tunç, İzmir: Karakalem Kitabevi Yayınları, 123
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