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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • In accordance with the TR Index Rules, it has been mandatory for the authors to send an Ethical Commission report or an equivalent official letter as of 2020 for studies requiring ethics committee approval. In case an ethics agreement is required for my study, I undertake that I will prepare and upload it during the registration of the article to the system.
  • During the submission of the paper, I undertake to fill in all the names, titles, institutions, ORCID ID information and contact information of the all authors. I declare that I will upload this information as a separate file during the registration of the article to the system.
    *Justification: It is obligatory by TR Index to publish the ORCID ID information of all authors in the article.
  • The full text file, which does not contain any information about the authors, has been prepared as blinded to the referees and ready for submission.
  • I promise that the copyright agreement will be signed by the authors with a wet signature and uploaded during the registration of the article to the system.
  • The text complies with the style and bibliographic rules specified in the Author's Guidelines.
  • In addition to the parts of the article, both Turkish and English titles, Turkish and English abstracts and keywords are also included in the full text file.

Author Guidelines

It is important that the manuscripts sent to the journal are prepared in accordance with the spelling rules stated below. After the editorial review, the evaluation process will not be initiated for manuscripts that are prepared without considering these rules.

1. The article file uploaded by the authors to the system should not contain any information about the authors. Authors must prepare their names, titles, detailed institution information, e-mail addresses and ORCID IDs in a separate file and upload it to the system as a second file outside of the article file. Click to download the AUTHOR INFORMATION FORM.

2. The COPYRIGHT FORM signed by all authors must also be added during the upload of the article files to the system. The review process will not be initiated for studies that are missing any of these 3 files and are not prepared properly.

3. Manuscripts should be prepared in two columns in accordance with the Article Template File.

4. The text must be written by using standard Microsoft Office Word format. Margins should be 2,5 cm for all sides of the page.

5. The total length of any manuscript submitted must not exceed 25 pages (A4).

6. The manuscript, which does not show the names of the authors, must include the followings: Title, Abstract, Keywords under the abstract, introduction, main text, conclusion, references and appendix.

7. No footer, header or page numbers required.

8. The manuscript language can be Turkish or English

9. Each manuscript must include abstract, no more than 300 words.

10.  At most 5 key words must be written below the abstract.

11. Abstract and keywords should be prepared under the title of "Abstract" in English, Palatino Linotype, 9 font size, 1.15 line spacing, before: 6nk, after: 6nk and justified on both sides.

12. The main text should be written in Palatino Linotype, 10 font size and 1,15 line spaced. Paragraph spacing after a single paragraph (6 nk) should be given.

13. The title of the manuscript should be written centered above the abstract, with only the first letters of the first word and proper names in capitals. The title should be Palatino Linotype, 25 points, bold and 1.15 between lines.

14. Headings and subheadings must be numbered  2., 2.1., 2.1.1.  as etc decimally  with bold letters. All headings should be written in bold but only the first letters of the subtitles should be capital. Spacing before and after a heading (6 nk) should be given. Main Titles should be Palatino Linotype, 12 points, bold and all capital letters. Subheadings should be Palatino Linotype, 10 points, bold and only the initials should be capitalized.

15. All the tables, figures and graphs must be headlined and  sequentially numbered. The titles of the tables and figures should be placed above the table or figures, and references belonging to table or figure should be under them.   The headline must be written in  Palatino Linotype, 9 size font and with bond letters. References for the tables (figure of graph) must be below the table (figure or graph) with a font size of 8 font.

16. Footnotes (with explanations) should be numbered within the text, on a separate page under the heading "Notes", in numeral order, in Palatino Linotype, 9 font size and placed behind the text.

17. All formulas in the paper must be prepared and numbered using the formula.

18. Citations in text must be done according to the HARWARD REFERANCE TECHNIQUE. In text citations, the author’s last name and the year of publication (and page number of the publication if necessary) for the source must appear in the text


i. If the last  name of the author is used , the publication date should be written in parenthesis.

Gürkaynak (2002) agree that chemical solutions …

ii. If the last name of the author is not  used, the last name of the author, the publication year and page number of the publication must appear .

 The last studies (Pınar 2003: 12)…

iii. If there are two authors, last names of both of the authors should be written.

Cinicioglu and  Keleşoğlu (1993) mention about the soft paddings…

iv. If there are more than  two authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.”

  …asserted by Öztoprak et al..  (1999)

v. If an author has more than one publishment in the same year, different symbols (i.e. a,b,c..) must  be used with the years.

…result of the studies made by Bozbey et al (2003a)

vi.  If the resource is anonymous  the word “anon” must be used.

…the realities spoken in recent times  (Anon 1998: 53) ...

vii. if a newspaper article with an unknown writer is used, name of the newspaper, date of publication, page number should be written.

The floods occured in the region effect the structural features  (Atlas, 1998: 6)

viii. The studies made use of thesis, alphabetically ordered according to the surnames of the writers. The name of the magazine, book or booklet , etc. should be in italic and bold  letters.

 ix. For Internet resources, the name of the writer should be shown as mentioned before. If no writers name, the name of the resources and the date must be given

Some knowledge takes place about the bazaar  (İMKB, 23.06.2003)

x. For the internet  resources with  unknown writers URL-sequence  number and year should be written as follow:

(URL-1, 2003), (URL-1 and URL-2, 2003),  According to  URL-1   (2003)


References must be prepared as below:     


Books :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Book. Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN.

MERCER, P.A. and SMITH, G. (1993). Private Viewdata in the UK. London: Palgrave, Second Edition, ISBN: xxxx-xxxx


Editorial Books :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of the Chapter. in Name of the Book. Ed(s):  First Letter of the Name. Surname & First Letter of the Name. Surname. Page Numbers of the Chapter, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN. 

STONE, E.F. (1986). Job Scope-Job Satisfaction and Job Scope-Job Performance Relationships. in Generalizing From Laboratory To Field Settings. Eds: E.A. Locke & C. Kahn. Lexington. pp. 189-206, MA: Lexington Books, First Edition, ISBN: 978-0669166408.


Translation Books :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of the Book. Translator(s):  First Letter of the Name. Surname & First Letter of the Name. Surname. Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN. 

BILLINGTON, D. (1975). Betonarme Kabuk Yapılar. Çevirenler: Hasan Kabataş & Mehmet Pultar. İstanbul: İTU Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, ISBN: 1234-5678 



SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Article. Name of Journal. Volume(Number), Page Numbers.

EVANS, W.A. (1994). Approaches to Intelligent Information Retrieval. Information Processing and Management. 7(2), 147-168.



SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Report. Name of Conference. Date and  Conference Place, Place of Publication: Publishing, Page Numbers

SILVER, K. (1991). Electronic Mail: The New Way to Communicate. 9th International Online Information Meeting. 3-5 December 1990, London, Oxford: Learned Information, 323-330.


Thesis :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Thesis. Master’s Degree/Doctorate, Name of Institute

AGUTTER, A.J. (1995). The Linguistic Significance of Current British Slang. Thesis  (PhD). Edinburgh University.


Institution / Organization Publications, Reports

INSTITUTION NAME. (Publication Year). Name of the Report. Ed(s) (if there is): First Letter of the Name. Surname. Publication Number, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN (if there is).

DİE (1972). 1970 Binalar Sayım. Yayın No: 647, Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü. 


Newspaper and Journal articles with an unknown author

NEWSPAPER/JOURNAL NAME (Publication Year). Title of the Paper. Publication Date, Web Adressess (if there is) Date Accessed (if there is).

ECONOMIST (2003). The United States and the Americas: One History in Two Halves. 13 December 2003.



SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Title, Scale, Place of Publication: Publishing.

MASON, J. (1832). Map of The Countries Lying Between Spain and India. 1:8.000.000, London: Ordnance Survey.


Web Pages:

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Year). Title [online], (Edition). Place of Publication. Web address: URL [Date Accessed: ].

HOLLAND, M. (2002). Guide to Citing Internet Sources [online]. Poole, Bournemouth University,,  [Date Accessed: 4/11/2020].

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.