The contribution of new generatıon drawing technologies to the field of design: Example of Procreate

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Design, Industry 5.0, Drawing Program, Tablet, Procreate App


Design and drawing programs are software used to design, create, and edit graphics and drawings quickly and efficiently using computer or mobile drawing tools. These software allow users to digitally perform drawing, designing, and editing.. The superiority of drawing tools, tablets, and applications over traditional methods is related to their ability to provide practical solutions in surface design development processes, provide a speed advantage in workflow, and facilitate editing stages. Drawing tablets and programs have become significant tools that emerged with digitization. These processes expand the scope of use and nurture the creativity of designers.

Additionally, easy adaptation of these technologies to production processes provides users with advantages. Procreate, an active drawing program on an online working platform, is a popular drawing program that has gained popularity with industrial trends. It is an application that can be used on iOS-based devices and works specifically with iPad, utilizing a pressure-sensitive stylus like the Apple Pencil. This provides users with a natural drawing experience and a feeling similar to traditional drawing tools. The content of the work discusses the contribution of Procreate, specifically, to the design field with new generation drawing technologies, drawing methods, and user convenience.


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How to Cite

Yurdakul, İncilay, Çavdar, G., Ünay Çubukcu, N., & Sunerli Topan, E. (2023). The contribution of new generatıon drawing technologies to the field of design: Example of Procreate. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 6(4), 325–332.



Research Article