Conservation and restoration techniques applied to historical ceramic artifacts

Ceramic, Ceramic Artifact, Historical Artifacts, Restoration, ConservationAbstract
Archaeological ceramic finds unearthed during excavations are mostly unearthed scattered in pieces as well as those that have preserved the integrity of the form. Various protection and repair methods are applied to improve the current situation of ceramic artifacts and to transfer them to future generations, that have undergone various deformations not only during the use process and excavation, but also as a result of adverse conditions in the exhibition areas or warehouses of museums. In this study, the application steps to be followed in the protection and repair works on various ceramic object samples, as well as the materials, techniques and appropriate packaging processes used in these applications were investigated. Within the scope of this study, only the methods applied to the objects examined are discussed, and it should be kept in mind that different materials and techniques can be used in different objects. The same degree of deterioration and destruction cannot occur in every object, and it is inevitable that the techniques and materials applied will vary accordingly.
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