A reading on imitation in contemporary architecture in the duality of copy and mimesis

Mimesis, Imitation, Copy, Modern Architecture, Contemporary ArchitectureAbstract
In the study, a reading is carried out on the act of imitation in contemporary architecture, based on the etymological and philosophical expansions of the concepts of poiesis and mimesis. In this reading, it is aimed to create an awareness about the distinction and choice between copying and mimesis, both of which mean imitation. It is emphasized that although mimesis is an imitation, it is not a copy. With the mass production created by the industrial age, which started with the Industrial Revolution, copy products began to appear. This way of production has been effective in many fields as well as in the field of architecture. Especially after the Second World War, the idea of rapidly rebuilding the ruined cities in Europe laid the foundations of a new architectural movement. Although modern architecture has the meaning of “belonging to the present” in its emergence mission, it has become the protagonist of the unqualified built environment in the cities today. The study focuses on the idea that the reason why contemporary architecture is at such a point is that the distinction between mimesis and copy cannot be made well and the formal/object is imitated instead of essence/meaning/method. Moreover, it is thought that a new awareness can be created in the field of architecture with the correct use of mimesis and its technique, and the design of original architectural products instead of copy products has a healing importance for the individual, society, and country. The fact that the effect of the built environment on human psychology and behavior is so important makes it even more meaningful to read mimesis and copy, even if they are imitations. Mimesis is a successful design technique for both architectural education and architectural action. In this context, this text, based on the concepts of copy and mimesis, offers a critical reading for architectural education, architectural action, and architectural product design approach.
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