Digital graphic wars: A study of reddit r/Place event in the context of visual design and communication

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r/Place, Reddit, Social Media, New Nedia, Interactive Digital Activities


The phenomenon of internet technology directing societies and individuals towards interaction has been intensively studied and debated over the last thirty years. Social media, at the forefront of messaging and content sharing, virtual meeting environments which have gained popularity in recent years, and online digital games, whose spread has increased exponentially with smart devices, are currently held as the key focal points of this phenomenon. However, digital online platforms have the potential to reveal diverse interaction experiments beyond established topics. In this context, the r/Place event, instigated by Reddit, is a current interactive internet phenomenon possessing originality and features that demand scrutiny from researchers across fields of expertise concerned with online content production. This descriptive study examines the digital and technical design system utilized during the three sessions of the r/Place event up to the time of writing. It analyses the interactive process of graphic production, the various graphic works created by groups and parties, their themes, and notable designs and symbols. In conclusion, recommendations are proposed regarding the potential impact of future comparable events. The study analyzed activity application visuals utilizing the purposeful sampling method and descriptive content analysis method to explore visual design and communication.


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How to Cite

Tunç, O. (2023). Digital graphic wars: A study of reddit r/Place event in the context of visual design and communication. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 6(4), 345–357.



Research Article