About the Journal
Journal of Awareness (E-ISSN 2149-6544) is an international refereed and periodical journal that started its publication life in 2016. The journal aims to increase individual and social awareness by delivering articles that increase social, cultural and scientific awareness to the relevant segments. For this purpose, it includes original scientific studies in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
Journal of Awareness has switched to a continuous publication flow starting with volume 10. There will be two issues in each volume and articles will be assigned to the relevant issue as they are accepted. Once an article is accepted, it will be published online, without waiting for the entire journal issue to be completed.
Papers are welcomed both in English and Turkish.
Current Issue
Full Issue
Research Articles
How is the awareness of disability rights in faculty of health sciences’ students?
Abstract views: 23 /
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Perspective on artificial intelligence: A profile study on the attitudes of university students
Abstract views: 24 /
PDF downloads: 21
Example of An Archeo-Village from a sociological perspective: Example of Çanakkale Tevfikiye Village
Abstract views: 8 /
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