Example of An Archeo-Village from a sociological perspective: Example of Çanakkale Tevfikiye Village

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Archaeo-village, Tevfikiye, Troy, Opet Project, Habitus


This article draws attention to the relational dimension of the transformation of Tevfikiye village in Çanakkale province into an archaeo-village as a result of the activities organized within the scope of the 2018 Troy Year and aims to fill the gap in this subject by trying to make sense of the concept of archaeo-village with a sociological approach. It aims to move the analysis to a different field by explaining the concept of 'archaeo-village', which is limited to the field of archaeology, with a broader theoretical framework and associating it with Pierre Bourdieu's concepts of 'field' and 'habitus' in the sociological context. The findings of Carl Blegen, who proved that Troy was not a myth as described in Homer's epic "Iliad", but a settlement that actually existed, have been a source for understanding the archaeological history of Troy. Emphasizing the importance of the archaeological popularity of this region and the dynamics of social life, the text tries to understand the social change of Tevfikiye and the factors affecting this change, based on the historically strategic status of Tevfikiye Village as both an archaeological site and a museum and the contributions of this situation to the village. With these factors, the sources and presentations of the traditional production structures of the village and the change experienced with the Opet Project, which made a significant contribution to the commercialization of these structures, were explained more clearly.


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How to Cite

Kamış, C., & Aslan, C. (2025). Example of An Archeo-Village from a sociological perspective: Example of Çanakkale Tevfikiye Village. JOURNAL OF AWARENESS, 10(1), e2687. https://doi.org/10.26809/joa.2687



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