Painting art continued during learning phase with different methods such as learning from a master, watching the master or experiencing; But it has always with a similar system. Rubens, from Renaissance masters; Van Dyck, from Rubens; Jacques Louis from David Antique; After the 19th century, artists interacted extensively with each other or with the past using similar or opposite methods. On the Turkish art of painting towards western understanding, there are important influences such as Realism, Impressionism, Cubism, and the masters in these understandings. In this study, by examples of outstanding workshops and artists in the history of painting, it is emphasized that how and in what way the artists are influenced by masters and contemporaries and the reflection of this effect on art and arts education. In the direction of this goal, similar or separate methods of Turkish Painting were tried to be considered. With such an evaluation, it is aimed to shed light on today's art education and methods by focusing on past art education or learning.
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