Jean Nouvel Architecture in The Dialectics of Trompe-L'œil and Jean Baudrillard

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Jean Baudrillard
Jean Nouvel

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İsmailoğlu, S. (2024). Jean Nouvel Architecture in The Dialectics of Trompe-L’œil and Jean Baudrillard. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 7(2), 61–69.


Jean Baudrillard, who is thought to have great importance at the intersection of architecture and philosophy, is frequently mentioned in his discourses and concepts. His studies, which are related to many disciplines, also interact with each other. There are also discourses based on illusions in a universe where reality is lost and hyperreality is experienced. The concept of trompe-l'œil, which he refers to as illusions, is a technique used especially in the field of painting as a realistic-looking optical illusion. What Baudrillard means by trompe-l'œil produced as real is the creation of a confusion of perception regarding the existence of the non-existent. In this context, it was felt necessary to discuss the architect Jean Nouvel, who is thought to have frequently used the trompe-l'œil technique and who interacted with Baudrillard in the discipline of architecture. The aim of the study is to evaluate trompe-l'œil, an optical illusion technique, and its use in the field of architecture through Nouvel architecture. In addition, what can be done using the trompe-l'œil technique to create the desired perception in architecture is explained with examples. The sample of the study consists of Jean Nouvel's buildings. The structures within the scope of the study were discussed through the texts in which Jean Nouvel described the structures. Because it is necessary to directly obtain the architect's thoughts about the design and to make analysis by obtaining clear information. The examples selected from Nouvel's designs were chosen from those thought to be trompe-l'œil, using natural light and glass surfaces. As a result, natural light and glass surfaces are important in Nouvel's designs. It can be said that the Cartier Foundation structure is a direct application of trompe-l'œil.


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