NFT applications and art production
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NFT, Apps, application, social media, interdisciplinaryAbstract
The use of mobile design in the field of art in the world, by going beyond the purposes of business, communication and design, instead of the production of art with traditional methods, today’s technological devices and applications, firstly caused the concept of “NFT” to enter the literature, and then this concept became widespread interdisciplinary. Today, thanks to technology and its applications, “NFT” studies and sales have opened up new areas in many sectors. “NFT” can also be an effective and important tool for areas such as performance art, advertising,print media, and social media, and it quickly shows us this through digital media. The main purpose of “NFT” applications; It is aimed to raise awareness of the methods used by “NFT” tools and applications by using the most popular and effective communication ways of mobile and non-paying technological applications as well as technology-aided design among disciplines. In this research, the applications of “NFT” tools and applications used in both audiovisual and interactive artistic works have been researched and exemplified
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