Analysis of fantastic planet animated film in the context of Roland Topor’s fantastic style

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Roland Topor
Fantastic Planet
Fantastic Style
Cut-Out Animation

How to Cite

Akbaharer Arslan, İrem, & Kaplanoğlu, L. (2023). Analysis of fantastic planet animated film in the context of Roland Topor’s fantastic style. JOURNAL OF ARTS, 6(1), 35–42.


For centuries, humans have discovered visual communication ways to express themselves, using images and symbols to communicate. This article is an analysis of the animation film “La Planète Sauvage” by director and animator René Laloux, written and drawn by the versatile and productive artist Roland Topor, one of the avant-garde names of contemporary French art, who has signed many creative works in many fields of art, such as literature, visual arts, and performance arts. The analysis focuses on the fantastic elements and contrasts of the film within the context of Roland Topor’s distinctive stylistic form.


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