Railway Systems, Energy Efficiency, Optimization, Particle Swarm MethodAbstract
Particle Swarm is an optimization method that is used for solving industrial problems and is highly preferred due to its ease of use and it’s ability to find accurate results rapidly in recent years. In this study, it was used to optimize the resistance value of train sets.
There are many types of resistance in train sets and the train can't start moving until the traction motors overcome the resistances. Run resistance, ramp resistance, and curve resistance are the resistances that the train must overcome at a constant speed. However, it is known that the acceleration of high-speed trains is very high and the resistance that the train sets must overcome for the change in speeds is acceleration resistance.
This study aimed to calculate the acceleration, time, curve, ramp and distance, under certain constraints, for the total resistance value of YHT 65000 train by using the Particle Swarm Method as to obtain the minimum and maximum. Although, the results showed that the Particle Swarm Method returned very successful results for the minimum resistance, the same cannot be said for the maximum resistance.
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