Association of maladaptive daydreaming with behavioral addiction

Maladaptive Daydreaming, daydreaming, fantasy, addictive behavior, gaming disorderAbstract
Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is a proposed syndrome characterized by extensive, immersive daydreaming. Case reports have suggested an association of MD with behavioral addictions such as excessive internet use, online gaming, and compulsive sexual behaviors. The aim of this study was to investigate maladaptive daydreaming and behavioral addiction symptoms among young adults. An online questionnaire was administered to 293 volunteer medical students. Participants were assessed by applying the 16-item Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16), Addictive Behavior Burden Form, and Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scale (ASRS). Participants were divided into two groups: probable MD (MDers) and non-MDers, according to MDS-16. Age and gender did not significantly differ between the MD and non-MD groups. MDers had more severe symptoms associated with gaming addiction (p = 0.03; U = 4941), problematic social media use (p = 0.01; U = 4680), food addiction (p = 0.01; U = 4965), sex/pornography addiction (p = 0.01; U = 4787), and compulsive buying (p = 0.03; U = 4874) than non-MDers. Among the behavioral addiction dimensions assessed in the study, only gaming addiction was a significant statistical predictor of MD. These findings highlight a significant association between MD and behavioral addictions, particularly gaming addiction, in young adults. Furthermore, the findings of this study suggest a unique relationship between gaming addiction and MD.
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