Creek, Water pollution, Heavy metal, Chromium (VI)Abstract
With increasing industrialization, environmental pollution has become a threat to human health. The heavy metal pollution, especially from industrial waste water, is the best example of this. Chromium holds a special position among living organisms because on its species it can be either essential or toxic. Cr (VI) even at very low concentrations is harmful and carcinogenic, while Cr(III) is a necessary microelement for cellular metabolism. Therefore, it is very important to determine the chromium metal found in the wastewater of leather, paint and iron - steel industries. Four main creeks discharges located in the important industrial area in Kocaeli Province are made to the Gulf of Izmit.
In this study, Cr (VI) was measured by the spectrophotometer S.M.3500-Cr B. Calorimetric Method sampled from four main streams Saz, Dil, Narca (Bağ) and Ambar (Ulupınar) Creeks samples and the results were found to be <0.02 mg / L. With these values it is observed that there is a visible improvement in the pollution of the creeks.
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