Lamiaceae, Threat categories, Turkey.Abstract
Lamiaceae (Labiatae) is the third largest family in Turkey. It is represented by 48 genera and 782 taxa ( 603 species, 179 subspecies and varieties) in the country, 346 taxa ( 271 species, 75 subspecies and varieties) of which are endemic. Endemism ratio is ca. % 44. The largest genera in the country based on the taxon number are Stachys L.(118 taxa), Salvia L.(107 taxa), Sideritis L.(54 taxa), Phlomis L.(53 taxa), Teucrium L. (49 taxa), Thymus L.(47 taxa). Endangered genera according to IUCN criteria; Salvia L.(43 taxa), Stachys L.( 19 taxa) Thymus L. (16 taxa), Sideritis L.(14 taxa), Teucrium L. (10 taxa), Lamium L.(8 taxa), Phlomis L. and Scutellaria L. ( 7 taxa), Micromeria Bentham and Nepeta L. ( 6 taxa), Ajuga L.and Origanum L. (5 taxa), Marrubium L..( 4 taxa), Acinos Miller, Satureja L. and Calamintha Miller (2 taxa), Ballota L., . Dorystaechas Boiss. & Heldr. ex Bentham, Cyclotrichium (Boiss.)Manden. & Scheng. and Lopanthus Adans.(1 taxon). Lamiaceae has 160 taxa endangered in Turkey of which are categories; 43 taxa critically endangered, 59 taxa endangered and 58 taxa vulnerable. Phytogeographic distribution of rare and endemic Turkish Lamiaceae taxa are 79 taxa in the Mediterranean, 63 taxa in the Irano-Turanien, 5 taxa in the Euro-Siberian phytogeographic region, and 11 taxa in unknown or multiregional phytogeographical elements.
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