Organ Transplantation, Organ Donation, Brain DeathAbstract
Organ transplantation is a medical procedure which a healthy organ is removed from the living or cadaver donor to be transplanted into the recipient whose related organ is no more functioning properly. There are two types of organ transplantation: living-donor and cadaver-donor transplantation. After the donation, related organs are taken from the patient following the brain death in the ICU and transplanted to the recipient. Organs can be used only when the brain death is confirmed and declared in the ICU. Brain death is the irreversible state of loss in the brain functions. According to the article 14 of the law No 2238, when a patient is officially brain-dead, the organs or tissues can be taken with the consent of their spouse, children of age, mother/father, siblings in order or an acquaintance of any of them if the rest is not present. Organ donation is when an individual gives their consent by documentation, with free will, and allow their tissues and organs to be donated for the treatment of other patients after the end of their life medically. According to the law no 2238, any citizen who is mentally healthy and above 18 years of age, can donate their organs and obtain an organ donation card. Organ transplantation is a very serious medical issue in Turkey as it is in other countries and the donation rates should be increased by informing the public and getting more participation. Success in organ transplantation can be obtained by a higher number of organ donations.
2. Turkiye Organ Nakli Dernegi,
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