An evaluation of the wastes and obstacles within the context of lean management in emergency services

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Hospital emergency services, decision making, lean six sigma


The objective of this study is to evaluate the types of waste within the context of lean management practices in emergency departments and to provide recommendations for addressing the challenges associated with their implementation. The aim is to enhance the effectiveness of performance improvement processes and to improve patient satisfaction. The opinions of 8 experts in the field were collected and analyzed using fuzzy AHP. The analysis revealed that defects (29%) are the most common type of waste in emergency departments, with a significant impact on efficiency and patient safety. This is followed by extra handling (15%) and waiting time (13%). Addressing these issues, along with other types of waste such as wasted talent, movement, transportation, inventory, and overproduction, is critical to improving overall operational performance. The overcoming of integration challenges necessitates the implementation of a multifaceted strategy, which should encompass the commitment of leadership, the engagement of staff, and the establishment of a culture of continuous improvement. The success of lean management is contingent upon several factors, including leadership support, multidisciplinary collaboration, process streamlining, and the ability to navigate resistance to change.


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How to Cite

Gedikli, E. (2025). An evaluation of the wastes and obstacles within the context of lean management in emergency services. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 5(1), 87–97.



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