The effectiveness of education provided to university students on COVID-19 phobia: A quasi-experimental study

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COVID-19 phobia, education, healthcare students, nurse


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of education provided to university students on COVID-19 phobia. The study was structured as a pre-test, post-test single-group study, a quasi-experimental research design, conducted on 122 students at a university located in Eastern Anatolia. Pre-test forms (Information Form, COVID-19 Phobia Scale) were sent to the students via email, filled out, and returned to the researcher. Subsequently, online training was provided to the participating students, and post-test (COVID-19 Phobia Scale) data were collected. A statistically significant difference was found between the pre-test and post-test COVID-19 Phobia Scale values (p<.001). This difference was in favor of the pre-test, indicating a reduction in COVID-19 phobia levels after the intervention. The results of this study highlight the importance of pandemic phobia and education. It provides data support for pandemic and COVID-19 phobia for policymakers, healthcare administrators, and the literature.


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Author Biographies

Fatoş Uncu, Fırat University / Türkiye

Ph.D.,Assistan Profesor , Firat University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health Nursing, Elazığ, TURKEY

Dilek Güneş, Fırat University / Türkiye

Ph.D.,Assistan Profesor, Fırat University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Surgical Nursing, Elazığ, TURKEY

Gamze Kırkıl, Fırat University / Türkiye

Ph.D., Professor, Firat University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, Elazığ, TURKEY


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How to Cite

Kılınç, N. Özlem, Uncu, F., Güneş, D., & Kırkıl, G. (2025). The effectiveness of education provided to university students on COVID-19 phobia: A quasi-experimental study. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 5(1), 15–21.



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