Defining the cultural care needs of Syrian university students in Türkiye using Leininger's Sunrise Model

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Culture, culturally competent care, students, Syria, universities, Türkiye


Nurses are expected to recognize the cultures of their patients and provide suitable medical service. Accordingly, the medical services to be provided to foreign students who come from different cultures and whose numbers are on the rise should be adapted to the cultures of these students. This study aimed to use the Leininger’s Sunrise Model for determining the cultural care needs of Syrian University Students in Türkiye. This qualitative study was conducted using the ethno-nursing research method. The sample of the study consisted of 19 Syrian undergraduate students. The Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) reporting guidelines were used in both the framing and reporting of this study to guarantee that sufficient details on the methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation were provided. The data examined under the 12 titles was assessed with the descriptive analysis method used in qualitative research. Students noted that care was provided voluntarily in their cultures, that families had the responsibility of providing care, that they needed professional and religious care simultaneously, and that the obstacles of receiving nursing care were language, gender, and privacy. Results in this study indicate that cultural values and beliefs had a significant impact on receiving medical care, and that professional and traditional treatments were used based on relevant cases.


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How to Cite

Gulyenli, N., & Tanrıverdi, G. (2024). Defining the cultural care needs of Syrian university students in Türkiye using Leininger’s Sunrise Model. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 4(2), 145–153.



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