The effect of viral anxiety experienced by nurses working in pediatric service on psychological factors during Covid-19 period

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Nurses, pediatric service, Covid-19, anxiety, psychology


During the Covid-19 period, nurses, as healthcare professionals, have been under a great workload, and their anxiety levels have also increased their psychological effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the effect of viral anxiety experienced by nurses working in the pediatric ward during the Covid-19 period on psychological factors. This is a descriptive study. Permission was obtained from Hakkari University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee for research permission. Sociodemographic data were collected online from 1200 nurses working in the pediatric service who voluntarily participated in the study between October 13, 2023 and December 25, 2023 using the sociodemographic data collection form and the stress and anxiety scale for health workers due to virus epidemic-9 items (SAVE-9), Patient health questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Obsession with Covid-19 Scale (OCS), Reassurance-seeking behavior scale against coronavirus (CRBS). In order to compare SAVE, PHQ, OCS and CRBS scale scores according to sociodemographic information and vaccination status variables, independent groups t test one-way variance analysis Levene's F test was applied and data were analyzed using a statistical package program. It is understood that 59.9% of the participants are male and 40.1% are female. The proportion of married participants was 95.4%. The results of the scores obtained from the SAVE and PHQ scales show that the stress and anxiety related to the virus epidemic are above the middle level, the result of the OCS scale score shows that the dysfunctional thoughts associated with the coronavirus, and the scores obtained from the CRBS Total scale show that the assurance-seeking behavior is exhibited according to the results. The effect of viral anxiety on the psychological factor according to sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status, socioeconomic status, educational status, working area in pediatric service, vaccination status) showed significant and different results according to scale scores. It was concluded that the viral anxiety experienced by the nurses working in the pediatric service during the Covid-19 period showed different characteristics in terms of psychological factors and sociodemographic characteristics, and the nurses were not very effective due to the decrease in the effect of Covid-19.


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How to Cite

Haylı, Çiğdem M., Chung, S., & Demir Kösem, D. (2024). The effect of viral anxiety experienced by nurses working in pediatric service on psychological factors during Covid-19 period. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 4(4), 271–282.



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