Examining the health service satisfaction levels of children with visual impairment

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Children with visual impairment, low vision, health service


It is aimed to examine the difference between the satisfaction levels of children with visual impairments with the health services they receive according to some variables. The study examining the satisfaction levels of children with visual impairments with the healthcare services they receive is descriptive and was conducted between 1 August 2023 and 12 October 2023. The study population consisted of children with visual impairment. The sample consisted of 120 visually impaired children who voluntarily participated using the simple sampling method from the non-probability sampling method and were selected with their own and parental consent. Data were collected online with the support of the children’s parents. Sociodemographic data form (gender, age, educational level, disability level, social security) and health service satisfaction scale were used to collect data. SPSS 25.0 data analysis program was used to statistically analyze. Notably, 33.3% (66.7%) of the children with visual impairment were girls (boys). Regarding educational level, 51.7%, 34.2%, and 14.2% were primary-school, secondary-school, and highschool students, respectively. Visually impaired children participating in the research; The relationship between sociodemographic factors (such as gender, health insurance type, educational status, disability level, age) and the health service satisfaction scale was found to be high and showed a significant difference (p <0.05).

Sociodemographic factors are important for evaluating satisfaction with health services among children with visual impairment. Future studies should examine satisfaction with health services among children with visual impairment and address relevant problems. Since studies on the level of utilization of health services in children with visual impairment are insufficient and the reason for this is difficult in terms of specificity and accessibility, providing alternatives to research in this field will guide future research.


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How to Cite

Haylı, Çiğdem M., Karataş, R., & Chung, S. (2024). Examining the health service satisfaction levels of children with visual impairment. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 4(2), 155–164. https://doi.org/10.26900/hsq.2288



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