The relationship of nurses’ best practice examples with organizational resilience in combating the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of a state hospital

Resilience, COVID-19, nursing, best practicesAbstract
The purpose of this research, it is to determine the relationship between nurses’ best practice examples and organizational resilience in the COVID-19 process. This is a mixed methodology research (qualitative and quantitative). The sample of the study consists of 193 nurses. 3 themes, 6 categories and 27 codes representing best practice examples were identified in the qualitative phase of the research. In the quantitative phase of the research; while the nurses’ strategic awareness score is 3925, adaptability score is 5361 and integrity score is 4397, the total score is 13683. The research identified 27 examples of best practice. It was found that the level of organizational resilience of nurses was high and there was a significant relationship between the level of education of nurses and the level of strategic awareness and between time in the profession and the level of strategic awareness, adaptability and integrity. A similar relationship was found between nurses’ best practice examples and organizational resilience levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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