Contribution of mobile health technologies to public health in rural areas: Accessibility and education methods

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Mobile applications, rural areas, public health, nursing


In today's rapidly advancing world, mobile health services have become influential in various aspects of our lives. It is anticipated that mobile applications, especially in rural areas, can play a significant role in the delivery of healthcare services. In this context, it is essential to examine the applications of mobile health services in rural areas and the education methods employed in these applications. The main objective of this study is to explore the contributions of mobile health services applications in rural areas to public health and to examine the education methods used in these services in light of current literature. The focus of this study is on how mobile health applications can be utilized in rural areas, the impact of this usage on public health, and the effectiveness of the education methods employed. The research was conducted through searches using key terms such as "mobile health" and "public health nursing" or "mobile health technologies" and "nursing" or "telehealth" on important academic databases like Google Scholar, PubMed free fulltext, Science Direct, Ebscohost, Sage, Scopus, and CINAHL. The information obtained from literature searches was analyzed to understand the impact of mobile health applications on public health in rural areas and the education methods employed. The study results indicate that the use of mobile health applications in rural areas can contribute significantly to public health. Advantages such as rapid diagnosis and treatment, effective monitoring of chronic diseases, and quick access to emergency services stand out among the potential impacts of mobile health applications. Mobile health applications can contribute significantly to public health in rural areas and increase their usage, particularly in primary healthcare services.


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How to Cite

Gökçay, G., Uğurlu, A., Ersarı Şen, E., & Hudaykulyyeva, A. (2024). Contribution of mobile health technologies to public health in rural areas: Accessibility and education methods. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 4(2), 127–136.



Review Article