Evaluating the effectiveness of video training for health professionals on the use of personal protective equipment

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covid 19, educational activities, employee safety, healthcare workers, personal protective equipment


The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of video training for health workers on the use of personal protective equipment. A training video was prepared on the use of personal protective equipment against Covid-19.  The effectiveness of the training was evaluated by comparing the pre-post-training scores obtained from the online application, questionnaire form, and self-assessment knowledge level form developed by the researchers. Video training and collection of research data were carried out through the online joint training module used in the relevant hospitals. The study was completed with 558 health workers. The findings showed that the participants' questionnaire form, self-assessment of knowledge level form, and the online application scores increased statistically significantly after the video training (p<0.001). The majority of the health workers (71.3% n=398) completed the application in a shorter time after the video training (p<0.001). A significant relationship was found between online application and questionnaire scores (p<0.05). The study showed that video training led to an increase in health workers' scores on the questionnaire form, online application and self-assessment forms. Video training can be used as an effective training method in pandemic periods when face-to-face training is undesirable due to the risk of transmission.


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Author Biography

Elif Kılıç Güner, Karadeniz Technical University / Türkiye

Tıp Fakültesi Tıp Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı


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How to Cite

Tatlı, Özgür, Kılıç Güner, E., Güner, Y., Şimşek, P., Babacan, E., Ulusoy, H., & Çelenk, G. (2024). Evaluating the effectiveness of video training for health professionals on the use of personal protective equipment. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 4(2), 113–125. https://doi.org/10.26900/hsq.2263



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