Forensic, medical and legal problems and solutions on passenger and cargo ships

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Telemedicine, ships, criminology, sexual offenses, forensic medicine


Marine vehicles have an important place in international trade and tourism. There are various directives and studies on the prevention of health problems in marine vessels and injuries and deaths due to occupational accidents. In the literature, not enough studies have been found in which the issues to be considered in cases of injuries, sexual assaults, accidents, suicides and murders that are common in forensic medicine practice, and there are no guidelines or recommendations of internationally accepted organizations.

It is important to determine the seafarer who is responsible for intervening in health emergencies on cargo ships, and to detect faulty ones, if any, in work accidents that result in serious injury and death. In addition, injuries, suicides and murders are encountered among the crew, and crime scene findings are lost until they are evaluated by the judicial authorities. Although rare, sexual assaults on cargo ships are also reported, but there are not enough scientific studies that indicate what should be done in terms of evidence evaluation.

Our study emphasizes the issues to be considered, that one of the crew should be held responsible and necessary training should be given in order to make a forensic medical evaluation in forensic events that will be encountered on cargo ships, and that physicians and health workers should be competent in the first forensic medical evaluation in case of emergency on passenger ships. It is thought that the launch of the telemedicine application, which provides uninterrupted service for forensic medical emergencies in maritime vessels, under the leadership of organizations such as the “International Maritime Organization” (IMO), will make a significant contribution. In addition, suggestions are made for legal impasses in such cases that take place in high seas.


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How to Cite

Kayhan, U., Liman, Z., & Tabanlı, F. (2024). Forensic, medical and legal problems and solutions on passenger and cargo ships. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 4(2), 101–112.



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