Emotional problems experienced by mobbing victims and a research model proposal in terms of cognitive behavioral model
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Mobbing, Employee Problems, Emotional Problems, Emotional disordersAbstract
This study aims to review the literature about the emotional problems experienced by mobbing victims in the workplace and present a research model. Defined as a severe source of social stress in the workplace, mobbing systematically involves protracted and escalating conflicts with frequent abusive acts against the target person. Mobbing significantly impacts a victim’s emotional health, which can cause various psychiatric, psychosomatic, and psychosocial issues. Studies have shown that mobbing victims often suffer from anxiety, depression, irritability, psychosomatic symptoms, and sleep disturbances. In addition, they may experience low self-esteem, a lack of social skills, and a sense of submission. The consequences of mobbing go beyond the individual and affect their families and relatives. In this research, a literature review is conducted about the causes, manifestations, and consequences of mobbing. A research model is designed to emphasize the importance of cognitive behavioral techniques in combating emotional problems caused by exposure to mobbing behaviors in the workplace.
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