Physician migration through the lens of patient and physician rights: A qualitative evaluation from the Turkish Parliament

Physician migration, health ethics, patient rights, physician rightsAbstract
Physician migration, which maintains global importance in terms of health ethics, is a phenomenon that has gained momentum in Türkiye throughout the recent years. However, there are limited studies on this subject, and no research has been found that addresses the issue in terms of health ethics and rights. In this regard, this study is likely to contribute to a better understanding of Türkiye’s physician migration. Furthermore, draw some attentions for solutions and health policies through the lens of physician and patients’ rights. The population of the retrospectively designed study consists of research proposals related to physician migration in the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the statements of members of parliament in the general assembly proceedings during the same period. Data obtained from transcripts that were searched using keywords such as “physician,” “doctor,” “health,” “migration,” and “foreign countries” were coded and subjected to content analysis using a qualitative method. Multifaceted findings emerged in the context of physician and patient rights in the categories of “reasons,” “consequences,” and “solutions”. It was observed that certain rights were more affected by the process, that rights were interdependent, and that structural regulations in the healthcare system were necessary for their fulfillment. There is a need for legislation that would concretely demonstrate physician rights in a legal status. In the context of physician rights, the prominence of “reasons” and the emphasis on patient rights in the “consequences” category also point to a significant ethical dilemma. The dilemma between the autonomy of the physician and the principle of justice, which is central to the ethical debate about physician migration, has been confirmed, indicating a need for further in-depth research on this topic. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how physician migration, which has recently increased in Türkiye, is addressed by members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in terms of physician and patient rights.
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