Evaluation of the readability levels of patient information leaflets of frequently prescribed drugs in rheumatology practice

Rheumatology, Patient information leaflet, readability levelAbstract
The development and use of new drugs have accelerated in proportion tothe increase in understanding of the pathogenesis of rheumatological diseases. In the treatment of rheumatological diseases, regular and proper use of drugs prevents disease progression and protects the patient from potential exacerbations and complications. The readability of patient information leaflets (PILs) increases treatment compliance. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the readability levels of PILs of frequently prescribed drugs in rheumatology practice. A total of 182 frequently prescribed medications in rheumatology practice were randomly selected. The PILs of these drugs were scored according to Ateşman and Bezirci-Yılmaz readability scales and their readability levels were thus determined. It was determined that the PILs could be read with 11-12 years of education and high school education on average according to Ateşman and Bezirci-Yılmaz readability scales respectively. Considering the fact that the mean schooling level in Türkiye is 6.5 years, the readability levels of the PILs of frequently prescribed medications in rheumatology practice are well above this level. It is suggested that the current readability of the PILs is adjusted in accordance with the patients’ level of understanding and education and arrangements to increase the readability levels are made.
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