Errors in nursing practices: What are the attitudes of nurses toward medical errors?

Nursing, medical error, attitudes, patient safety, hospital errors, quality assuranceAbstract
This study aims to determine the attitudes of nurses towards medical errors and related factors. The study was designed as a descriptive and cross-sectional study. A total of 119 nurses completed a questionnaire on personal information and Medical Errors Attitude Scale. It was determined that nurses’ attitudes towards medical errors were positive. It was found that nurses’ awareness of medical errors and reporting errors was high. The medical error perception of nurses with less years of work experience in the unit was found to be more negative. Many medical errors are actually caused by preventable conditions. At this point, the best way to prevent medical errors is to create an institutional culture based on patient safety. Within the scope of quality control studies in health institutions, the development of patient safety culture and development of nurses’ attitudes towards medical errors should be supported.
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