Evaluation of patients admitted to our hospital with a possible diagnosis of COVID-19

Covid-19, prognosis, diagnosisAbstract
We aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics, laboratory and imaging findings, and outcomes associated with the severity of illness of patients admitted to our hospital with possible COVID-19 diagnosis. The patients admitted to our hospital with a possible diagnosis of COVID-19 between March 25 and December 3, 2020, were evaluated retrospectively. In terms of their clinical, laboratory, imaging findings, and mortality were compared between patients discharged and hospitalized with died and survivors. 12470 patients admitted to our hospital with a possible diagnosis of COVID-19 tested by SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR. Of those tested, 3116 (24.9%) were positive. Of the patients, 2529 (81.2%) were discharged, 587 (18.8%) hospitalized, and 92 (3%) were died. In the comparison of discharged, and hospitalized groups, a significant difference was found in age, symptoms, comorbid diseases, chest CT, laboratory findings, and mortality (p< 0.05). In the comparison of survivor, and dead, the risk of mortality analysis showed similar characteristics. Older age, male gender, comorbidities, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, increased levels of CRP, NLR, D-dimer, ferritin, and chest CT findings were significant risk factors. Of the patients who died, 23 (25%) were female and 69 (75%) were male. The outbreak of COVID-19 is a significantly health problem. We were experienced with high numbers of COVID-19 cases and found that age, symptoms, comorbid diseases, chest CT, laboratory findings of inflammation are significant predictors for admission to hospital. Therefore, these risk factors should consider routinely for patients with a high risk of developing severe and critical diseases by clinicians.
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