Health literacy and health behaviors in the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Covid-19, health literacy, healthy lifestyle


COVID-19 pandemic has placed a heavy burden on healthcare systems and governments. Health literacy and health behaviors are recognized as strategic public health elements, but they have not received due attention during the pandemic. Health literacy and health behaviors are vital in slowing and controlling the COVID-19 outbreak. The purpose of this research is to examine the health literacy level and health behaviors of individuals in the COVID 19 epidemic. The sample of the study consists of individuals between the ages of 18 65 living in Ankara. An online questionnaire was applied to 384 people who agreed to participate in the research. Turkey Health Literacy Scenario Scale was used to determine the health literacy level of individuals, and the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale was used to evaluate healthy lifestyle behaviors. As a result, a significant difference was found in the total health literacy scores of the individuals according to their healthy lifestyle, and the health literacy total scores of the individuals with a healthy lifestyle were found to be higher. It has been suggested to raise awareness about health literacy and healthy lifestyle and to raise awareness of the society.


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How to Cite

Hekimoğlu Tunç, D., Yılmaz, F., & İbişoğlu, Şaziye. (2022). Health literacy and health behaviors in the Covid-19 Pandemic. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 2(3), 157–166.



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