Prevalence, symptom and severity of COVID 19 among permanent residents of Dhaka City

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COVID 19 pandemic, situation of COVID 19, second wave, Dhaka city, Bangladesh


A study was done on 385 people who survived from COVID 19 to assess the prevalence, symptom, and severity of COVID 19 of permanent residents of Dhaka city, Bangladesh during the second wave of corona manifestation. Data were collected purposively from a government and a private hospital, and general people taking treatment from home. A significant number of respondents took treatment from the Hospital during 2nd wave of COVID 19. Two-third of participants endured moderate (67.5%) type of suffering followed by mild (18.7%) and severe (13.8%) type of suffering. Most of the participants were married (88.8%) and female (51.2%). There was no significant difference between females and males suffering and the risk and severity of COVID 19 (p=694). Most of the participants (70%) had comorbidity. Time to recover from symptoms had significant relation with symptom patterns. One-third of the respondents (33%) required 4-7 days to recover from suffering. A little higher than a quarter (27.8%) recovered within 8 to 14 days and more than a quarter 105 (27.3%) recovered by 8-12 days respectively. Most of the respondents had a fever, cough, body ache and fatigue, sore throat, and breathing difficulty. Only (7.3%) had diarrhea (3.9%) and smell loss 13 (3.4%). People of permanent residence of Dhaka city suffered from COVID 19 irrespective of sex, education, professional status. They had comorbidity, required 8-14 days of hospitalization, and endured the moderate type of suffering of COVID-19.


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Author Biography

Md Abdul Jalil Ansari, Shahabuddin Medical College & Hospital/Bangladesh




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How to Cite

Lasker, S. P., Shah Mahfuzur, . R., Jafurullah, M., Ansari, M. A. J., & Hossain, A. (2022). Prevalence, symptom and severity of COVID 19 among permanent residents of Dhaka City. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 2(2), 73–80.



Original Article