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Author Biography

Hasan Erbay, Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University/TURKEY

Hasan Erbay


History of Medicine and Ethics




Address: Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University, Faculty of Medicine.
City, State, Zip: Afyon / Turkey. 03200
Cell Phone: +90 551 972 0609

Social: facebook:Erbay Hsn, twitter:Erbayhsn, instagram:hasanerbayhsn

Orcid Number:


M.D. Faculty of Medicine, İnönü University, Malatya / Turkey, 2004.

Ph.D. History of Medicine.and Deontology, Çukurova University, Adana /Turkey, 2013.
-Concentrations: Bioethics, Prehospital Emergency Medicine, Decision-Making.
-Dissertation: The Patient’s Refusal of Treatment in Prehospital Emergency Medicine: Theoretical Assessment and A Field Study.

MBGPH. (Master of Bioethics and Global Public Health) American University of Soverign Nations, 2016.

-Concentrations: Bioethics, Public Health, Disasters, Prehospital Emergency Medicine.
-Thesis: Herding Cats:An Ethical Review for Prehospital Emergency Triage, Triage Systems, Tools and Algorithms.



2004-2010: Ambulance physician in prehospital emergency services. (namely 112 in      Turkey)


2010-2013: Emergency physician in many hospital-based emergency services.


2013-2016: Member and the reporter of the local Clinical Research Ethical Committe.


2013-2016: Training officer of first year medical students.


2014-2016: Advisor of Kocatepe TurkMSIC which is the local representative of IFMSA             (International Federation of Medical Students Association).


2014-2016: Representative of bioethics department on “Commission for National            Medical Education Curriculum for Turkey”


2013- -: Assistant Professor at Dept. History of Medicine and Ethics, Afyon          Kocatepe University, Faculty of Medicine.


2016- -: Visiting Professor, American University of Sovereign Nations.


2019- -: Chair of Dept. History of Medicine and Ethics, Afyonkarahisar Health    Sciences University, Faculty of Medicine.





2016: Kırk Pencereli Konak (in Turkish, Literacy)


2017: Tıbbiyeli Muharrem (in Turkish, Literacy, Narrative Medicine, Narrative Ethics)


2017: “Bölüm 3. Organ Naklinin Etik Boyutu” Erbay, H. Section of “Organ Nakli    Hemşireliği” Editors: Çevik, C., Özyürek, P. Nobel Tıp          Kitabevleri,   İstanbul. 2017. (in Turkish)


2019: Tıptan Öte (in Turkish, Literacy, Narrative Medicine, Narrative Ethics)


2019: “Commander’s Compassion” p. 275-282. Section of “Legacies of Love, Peace and     Hope: How Education can overcome Hatred and Divide” Editor:            Darryl R. J.   Macer. Eubios Ethics Institute, 2019.


2019: “Tıp Etiği Eğitiminde Anlatı” p. 123-128. Section of  “Eğitimde Hikayenin      Gücü” Editors: Yakıncı C, Kızılay A. İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2019. (in         Turkish)


2020: “Tıp Öyküleri Bize Ne Anlatır” p. 17-22 Section of “Sağlık Bağlamında            Edebiyat, Sanat ve Tarih” Editor: Erbay, H. Rating Academy    Yayınları,      2020. (in Turkish)


2020: Editor: Erbay H. “Sağlık Bağlamında Edebiyat, Sanat ve Tarih” Rating            Academy Yayınları, 2020. (in Turkish)






2010: Erbay, H., Alan, S., Kadioglu, S. “A case study from the perspective of     medical ethics: refusal of treatment in an ambulance” J Med Ethics,     2010;36:652-655.

2011: Alan S., Erbay, H. Patient privacy and confidentiality in the ambulance   services from the perspective of medical ethicsJ Acad Emerg Med,       2011;(10):33-38. (in Turkish)

2014: Erbay, H., Alan, S., Kadioglu, S. “Attitudes of prehospital emergency care           professionals toward refusal of treatment: a regional survey in Turkey” Nursing    Ethics, 2014;21(5):530-539.

2014: Erbay, H. “Some ethical issues in prehospital emergency medicine” Turk J           Emerg Med, 2014;14(4):193-198.

2014: Erbay, H. “What if the patient says ‘No!’ in the ambulance: an ethical        perspective for assessmentof capacity in the prehospital emergency setting” El         Mednifico Journal, 2014;2(3):304-306.

2017: Erbay, H. “Why the prehospital emergency call number in Turkey is 112?

            A recent history research in the context of ambulance services” Lokman Hekim     Journal 2017;7(1):28-32. (in Turkish)


2016: Erbay, H. “When does the paramedics’ duty end?” J Clin Res Bioeth, 2016;7:4.


2018: Erbay, H., Can R., Turkan A.H. “For whom the sirens toll: a study on an ethical challenge in prehospital emergency medicine” J Acad Emerg Med 2018;17(3):122-128.


2020: Ghotbi N., Lofredo M., Neves M. et all. “Ethical Guidelines for Covid-19 Triage Management” Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics   2020;30(5):201-207.


2020: Erbay H. “Ethical approaches in pre-hospital field triage” Journal of Pre- Hospital 2020;5(1):57-66. (in Turkish)


2020: Erbay H. “Family Presence and the Press Effects on Prehospital      Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Attitudes of a Group of Emergency Caregivers”         MALIM: Jurnal Pengajian Umum Asia Tenggara 2020(21):102-116.






2007- -: Turkish Bioethics Association (TBA).

2014- -: Asian Bioethics Association (ABA)

2016- -: Vice President for Asian Ethnic and Religious Minorities at ABA.







How to Cite

Erbay, H. (2022). Erratum. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 2(1), 53.


