Vocal cord hemangioma

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hemangioma, vocal cord, hoarseness, larynx


Hemangiomas of the larynx can be divided in two main forms: infantile and adult. The infantile form is more common in the subglottis and the adult form is usually found at or above the level of the vocal cords. Laryngeal hemangioma of the vocal cord is a very rare condition. We present a case of a 39-year-old female with a large hemangioma of the left vocal cord causing hoarseness and respiratory distress. The lesion was surgically removed successfully at our center.


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How to Cite

Chang Mendes, I., Melo Sousa, P., & Barros, J. E. (2022). Vocal cord hemangioma. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 2(2), 111–114. https://doi.org/10.26900/hsq.2.2.06



Case Report