Nursing students’ innovation and creativity approaches: A descriptive study

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Innovation, creativity, nursing, student


The aim of this study is to reveal the creativity and innovativeness attitudes of nursing students who receive vocational education, to determine the influencing factors and to increase their awareness of innovation and creativity in nursing. The research was conducted as a descriptive study. The sample consisted of 399 nursing students. To collect data “Personal Information Form”, “Individual Innovativeness Scale Adapted for Nursing”, “Individual Creativity Scale” were used. Descriptive values, Shapiro-Wilk, Chi-square, Student’s-t, ANOVA, Tukey, Pearson Correlation test were used in the evaluation of the data. Ethics committee and institutional permission were obtained for the study. The average age of the participants is 20.82 ±1.69. The total score average of the participants is 59.19 for the Individual Innovativeness Scale and 55.58 for the Individual Creativity Scale. A significant relationship was found between genders, the place lived in the longest, the need for innovative thinking and individual innovativeness total score average. Also, a significant relationship was found between gender, place lived in the longest, participation in scientific activities related to creativity and innovativeness and innovative thinking status and creativity scale average score. The participants were skeptical about individual innovativeness and their creativity score average was at a medium level. The creativity and innovation scale scores of the participants were affected by some sociodemographic characteristics. It is recommended to plan trainings to raise awareness about innovation and creativity.


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How to Cite

Can Özdemir, R., & Işık, M. T. (2022). Nursing students’ innovation and creativity approaches: A descriptive study. HEALTH SCIENCES QUARTERLY, 2(3), 117–126.



Original Article