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old age, ageism, violence, violence against the elderly, nursing home, case report


The increase in the age of individuals causes their mental and physical structures to be perceived differently. Elderly individuals are thought to be unable to do the activities they can do due to social stereotypes, in addition to their reduced physical functions.

The main focus of the research is to evaluate age discrimination from the perspective of the participants. We aim to examine the types of age discrimination experienced by individuals living in nursing homes and their effects. In this context, themes and sub-themes were determined after the literature on the subject was reviewed. Then, the questions were created to identify the problems that cause age discrimination.

The qualitative research method was used as it was aimed to understand the subject studied more deeply and to look at the cases through the eyes of the participants. The inter-case analysis method and semi-structured interview technique were used in the study. Since the interviews are conducted individually and through the eyes of the victim, it is aimed to be analyzed at the micro and meso levels. Our interview schedule was made in a private nursing home in Istanbul, depending on the institutions. Case report was evaluated in terms of socio-cultural, psychosocial, and social norms.

Within the framework of a certain age (65 years and above), different results may emerge from the individuals interviewed because we examine age discrimination. Considering the data obtained as a result of the research, it is seen that there is not enough awareness about discrimination against the elderly, and sufficient supervisory and preventive measures are not implemented. It is thought that there may be physical and social changes caused by age-related changes, as well as political and socio-cultural factors. This research aims to identify the problems that cause age discrimination and to produce additional alternative actions to be taken.


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