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Forensic Medicine, incest, domestic sexual abuse, child abuse, sexual violence


Incest relationship, which has many different definitions, is a form of sexual abuse that is more difficult to manifest and its effects on the victim are much more severe. In our study, it was aimed to develop solutions by evaluating the sociodemographic and forensic medical characteristics of the incest victims who were sent to Mersin University Forensic Medicine Department. Method: The forensic investigation documents and medical reports of 34 incest cases that were sent to us for forensic reports with the allegation of sexual assault between January 2019 and January 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. Findings: It was found that most of the cases (85.3%, n: 29) were women, average age being 15.41, with the majority (41.2%, n: 14) between the ages of 6-12. It was observed that in 44.1% of the cases (n: 15) the defendant was the victim's biological father, in 47.1% (n: 16) of the cases the incident took place in the shared house where the victim and the defendant lived. In 32.4% of the cases (n: 11), the incident was reported by school counselors, the person to whom the victim told the event first was most frequently their mother (35.3%, n: 12). In 70.6% of the cases (n: 24), the first person to whom the victim told the incident supported the forensic reporting process. Biological evidence was detected in 8.8% (n: 3) of the cases, the victim's mental health deteriorated in 61.8% (n: 21) of the cases, most common psychopathology being Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (41.2%, n: 14). Conclusion: Our study reveals the importance of schools, where children can communicate with others, in the emergence of incest. On that account, it should be ensured that children continue their education and benefit from guidance services. All teachers, especially counselors, should be made aware on the matter of sexual abuse of children. In addition, "systematic sexual education" for children should be included in the curriculum. Since incest cases are mostly reported late, more often than not biological evidence cannot be obtained. The occurrence of psychopathology in most of the victims shows the importance of mental evaluation. In addition, it should be ensured that all procedures, including clinical treatment, are carried out in centers where multidisciplinary approach can be provided, to prevent secondary suffering due to reinterrogations and examinations of the victim in the judicial process.


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