exploitation, awareness, health worker awarenessAbstract
Physical and sexual acts of violence against children seriously harm the life and mental health of the child. These actions that harm the child often tend to hide by the child or his family. The termination of the actions that harm the child and being noticed due to the damage caused by the child depends on the level of recognition of the physical and sexual violence of the physicians and nurses faced during the provision of health services.
In this study, it is aimed to measure the physical and sexual violence recognition levels of physicians and nurses, which are most likely to encounter cases of child victims of physical and sexual violence. With the questionnaire study, it was aimed that physicians and nurses would try to question their awareness of abuse and develop sensitivity. With the developing sensitivity, it will be ensured that each phenomenon is taken with a different perspective and the violent action that is carried out or planned to be carried out as a result. In this way, every child awaiting help can be intervened before the violent act becomes chronic and reaches a level that threatens the child's life. It is aimed to approach the patients with a multidisciplinary approach and to adapt the child to normal life with social support.
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