Information Disorder, Refugee, Syrians, Temporary ProtectionAbstract
The aim of the study is to examine perceptions and knowledge towards Syrians in Turkey under temporary protection. This examination will be conducted in the light of the concept of information disorder that was conceptualized by Wardle in 2017. The concepts of "fake news", "false content", "disinformation" in the current literature assume that the information is wrong. Information disorder is based on two bases: i) whether the information is true or false, ii) what is the intention of producing, sharing, and disseminating information. In the research, the news about Syrians in the media and that set an example for information disorder was examined. Then, the knowledge and perception of the society was investigated through the relevant news. Qualitative method was preferred in the study. An online survey was conducted because of the COVID-19 outbreak. 360 people were reached. The survey consists of questions about false news about Syrians in the media, social media usage habits, sharing habits and demographic information. While 60.4% of the participants in the study are women, 38.5% are men. The age distribution is between the ages of 17-70. The average age is 35.55. Most of the participants are university graduates (57.1%). The rate of those who had family or personal immigration experience before is 44.9%. While 74.2% of the participants do not share the news about Syrians on social media, most of those who share are made on Twitter. As a result, social media plays an active role in the circulation of fake news, which occupies a certain place in the country, without confirmation and origin, and creates social reality. Although people think that they use it consciously, it is seen that they think differently when it comes to Syrian under temporary protection.
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