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Stalking harasser, Stalking, Mental trauma, Forensics


Stalking is defined as the act of determining the person as a target and following and communicating with the person repeatedly without his/her consent, creating concern for her safety. Compared to forensic medicine applications, it’s a group that is relatively common in the field of psychiatry, and reporting the results of forensic medical evaluation is rarely done in this respect. The case applied to the clinic with the allegation of mobbing, and besides it’s a rare case in forensic medicine practice due to the characteristics of the event she experienced, it was aimed to discuss the evaluation to be made in such cases in terms of stalking.

The 33-year-old female case, working in a company as senior manager, stated that she didn’t  accept the proposal of a male employee in another city and in the same position as her, to be her girlfriend and she was verbally threatened by this person afterwards, wandered around her workplace and home and followed her for a long time. In her mental evaluation; It was found that the person was subjected to psychological violence and stalking harassment; the verbal threats and behaviors of the aggressor had a traumatic effect on her mental health for a long time and the action she was exposed to permanently deteriorated the mental health of the person.

Stalking is addressed in different areas within the framework of mobbing or violence against women. Considering that in cases of stalking harassment, which doesn’t have a specific legal provision, it may result in the most severe form of violence against women due to its consequences, besides studies on prevention and legal regulation, as highlighted in the case presented, the identification of trauma and forensic medical documentation and also the need for psychiatric follow-up and support in terms of treatment should be considered.


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Author Biography

Şahika YÜKSEL, Istanbul University/TURKEY


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