Attitude, Violent attitudes towards women, Dark triad, Partner violence, Emotional violenceAbstract
The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between attitudes towards emotional violence and control behavior with dark triad personality traits together with physical and sexual violence against women. Another aim is to draw attention to psychological violence and control behaviors in the studies, to be carried out in the context of preventing intimate partner violence.
The sample group consisted of 140 men aged 18 and over, who were reached through random sampling, reached through Google forms and face-to-face interviews. For the purposes of the research, the ISKEBE Violence against Women Scale (ISKEBE Attitude Scale) and Short Dark Triad Scale (SD3-T) were used, and personal information form was applied for demographic data.
According to the statistics, men with a high dark triad total value have higher attitudes towards violence against women. There is a positive correlation between the high scores of psychopathy and body attitudes subscale scores. (B: 0.305, p <0.001) A positive relationship was found between the high scores of narcissisms and the attitudes towards identity subscale. (B: 0.308, p <0.001) There is a positive relationship between the high score of Machiavellianism and the attitudes towards identity subscale. (B: 0.470, p <0.001)) There is a positive correlation between Machiavellian score and psychopathy score. (B: 0.515, p <0.001).
The results reveal that dark triad personality traits predict emotional and physical violence in close partner relationships.
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