Hypertension, Intensive Exercise, Intrarenal Dopamine, Oxidative StressAbstract
In the study which was prepared based on the factors that can take place in essential hypertension pathology; We aimed to investigate the interactions of intensive exercise, high salt and partial NOS inhibition applications with each other, the effects on water-salt balance and blood pressure, changes in the intrarenal dopaminergic system, which is an important natriuretic system, and the participation of oxidative stress. The rats were given intensive exercise on a treadmill at a speed of 25 m / min at 5% inclination for 30 minutes a day, LNNA at a concentration of 50 mg / L and a high salt diet of 4% for 7 days either separately or together. Blood pressures of the rats were measured on the first and last days of the experiment, and the rats were taken into metabolic cages; 24-hour water intake and urinevolume were measured. Dopamine levels were measured in 24-hour urine to detect intrarenal dopamine synthesis. In addition, oxidative stress parameters in the serums of rats; TAS, TOS and OSI levels were measured. Blood pressure was found to be high in the groups in which intensive exercise was applied together with LNNA and high salt diet. While there was no change in the water balance of this group, it was found that sodium excretion and dopamine levels increased in 24-hour urine. In addition, it was found that the total oxidant status increased in this group, and oxidative stress developed as a result of insufficient antioxidant system. It suggests that the reason of hypertension that develops with the application of intensive exercise together with LNNA and high salt diet may be due to the vascular resistance increasing effect of oxidative stress rather than water-salt retention and it points out the necessity of studies to fully detect vascular tissue oxidative stress markers and vascular oxidative damage.
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