Industry 4.0, IIoT, Shipping 4.0, digital transformation, e-learning, industrial cyber securityAbstract
Nowadays occurs a jump in approaches to maritime technical systems developing with implementation of Industry 4.0, IIoT, Shipping 4.0 concepts. Progress in wireless technologies allows to perform absolutely new engineering tasks. Maritime branch realizes digital transformation steps, which envisage creation of unmanned, autonomous and remote controlled ships. But such systems are vulnerable for external malicious intrusion. Thus it's necessary to deepen information technologies learning in maritime education in the following directions: IIoT, industrial wired and wireless data transfer technologies and hardware; satellite systems; big data, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality; remote control; cyber security technologies. National University "Odessa Maritime Academy" participates in Trainings in Automation Technologies for Ukraine project. Obtained mobile equipment allows to study PcWorx and CoDeSys software for automation systems development (based on PLCs) and Profibus, ProfiNet, EtherCAT and wireless technologies. This base equipment may be supplemented by security firewalls.
Ways of modern technologies implementing in maritime branch are analyzed. Directions of deep studying are shown. Actuality and possibilities of cyber security technologies studying are highlighted. Approaches and technologies, successfully realized in education process and planned for future, are described.
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