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Collaboration, Co-Opetitive Profile, Co-Opetitive Relationships, Industry AnalysisAbstract
The aim of the research is to define the co-opetitive profile of all collaborators by focusing on the co-opetitive agreements at the industry level. It is aimed to determine the co-opetitive profile that the first stage of understanding and managing co-opetitive relationships. Firms have faced with a dilemma in the in co-opetitive relationships engaged in competitors unlike strategic alliance partners. This dilemma may respond to by creating competitive advantage depends on its management with co-opetitive partners. The profile of collaborators consists of the characteristics of collaborator (number of co-opetitive agreements, number of collaborators and co-opetitive experience) and characteristics of co-opetitive agreements (continuity of co-opetition, frequency of interactions, obligation of agreement, co-opetition asymmetry and scope of agreement). This research represents the first attempt at aiming to define the co-opetitive profile at the industry level and the findings contribute to competitive dynamics literature.
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