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Classroom management, ULAKBİM, Document analysisAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the articles scanned and published in the context of Classroom Management and classroom management related subjects at ULAKBİM (the National Academic Network and Information Center) between 2009 and 2016. For this purpose, 62 articles scanned in ULAKBİM have been reached. In this study, the articles in refereeed journals scanned at ULAKBİM which were prepared and published in the field of classroom management between 2009 - 2016 were analyzed in documentary method. The findings are depicted through frequency and percentage tables. According to the results of the research; the largest number of articles published in the Electronic Turkish Studies and Hacettepe University Journal of Education journals and more articles were published on classroom management than other journals in 2014. Also, when the articles were examined according to the research subjects, it was observed that teacher opinions, perceptions and unwanted behaviors about classroom management were concentrated on the articles, and in relation to the sample rank, studies were carried out together with mostly teachers, student and teacher candidates working on the primary education level.
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