Figurines of the Mother Goddess (Cybele) and Aphrodite from the İznik Museum

Figurine, Mother Goddess, Cybele, Aphrodite, AnadyomeneAbstract
The subject of this publication; It consists of two Mother Goddess (Kybele) figurines and one Aphrodite figurine in terracotta, which were purchased in the inventory of the Iznik Museum.
The Mother Goddess (Kybele), whose emergence dates back to the Prehistoric Ages, and which is referred to as the Venus of the age, has continued its existence effectively in every period. The Mother Goddess (Kybele) is known as the symbol of fertility and fertility, the ruler of nature and the mother of all gods and goddesses who ensure the continuity of life. Existing Mother Goddess figurines are examples of the depictions of Agorakritos, one of the Classical Period sculptors, derived from the typology of the Cybele statue sitting on the throne. Descendant of the Mother Goddess; known with the epithets of love, beauty, desire and sexuality, the Aphrodite figurine belongs to the Anadyomene type associated with the birth myth of the goddess.
The figurines, which are based on religious structures and concepts and considered among the important archaeological finds, provide information on many subjects, including the socio-cultural life, cult structure and belief of the geography they were produced. As in many art fields of Antiquity, all kinds of innovations and technical changes observed in figurine art were also affected by historical facts, lifestyle, belief and geography. The figurines that are the subject of the study, for which no find site and context data are available; it was evaluated technically, iconographically and stylistically, and a date proposal was made with the help of similar examples.
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