Perception of leadership in effective team building and management and the trainer leadership skills of managers: A research on school managers

Team building, Leadership, Management, Coach Leadership, School ManagementAbstract
Today, organizations attach importance to teamwork in order to continuously improve the work processes and methods of employees and management, and to determine corporate activities and goals. The vision shared within the teams in the organizations contributes to the creation of a strong corporate culture in the organization by enabling the employees to make an intense effort while achieving the goals of the organization. Today’s managers prefer to take a more active role in establishing creative processes that will guide and guide, facilitate and develop and exhibit the talents of employees rather than taking part in activities.
Team building improves problem solving ability and team spirit. In the team building process, the leader is given the responsibility of forming the team. The leader, who determines the mission and vision of the team in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization, should have the ability to understand, absorb and explain this change to her employees by following the innovations due to her managerial qualifications. Employees have accurate information about their duties as an element of the change process in the institution and thanks to a participatory management approach.
The aim of this study is to investigate the perception of school administrators’ leadership skills in team building and management according to teachers and the evaluation of school administrators’ coach leadership skills in team management. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to teachers and school administrators working in schools operating in different districts of Istanbul, affiliated to the National Education. The Team Leadership Scale developed by Çankaya and Karakuş (2008) and the Coach Efficiency Evaluation form in Robert Maddux’s book “Team Building” were used in the research.
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