For thousands of years, producing a product in the fields of art has been made possible by performing a specific technique towards using the instruments belonging to the mentioned field. For this reason, dealing with and developing technique on a scientific level, that is to say, “technology” is a part of the conditions belonging to artistic production. Along with this, these technical innovations did not only result from the specific instruments of the field of art but also took its share from the other technological developments of the era. Particularly since Renaissance, several “auxiliary technologies” have been used by the artists that have made productions in the fields of arts. Projection and perspective machines, “camera obscura”, “camera lucida”, artistic and industrial duplication techniques, photographs, cinema, television, fax, photocopy, computer, three-dimensional modeling and developing mass media have had an impact on art during the process moving forward to the present day in terms of both aesthetical concepts and innovations they have brought to the production medium. Along with this, artistic interpretation, in a sense, transformation of technological phenomena continues to be an important problem in terms of the aesthetic, technical and conceptual dimensions of art.
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